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Detoxification and sexual health

Written by BY OLADAPO ASHIRU - Nigeria
Oladapo Ashiru
OLADAPO ASHIRU - Punch, Nigeria
Studies have shown that men who engaged in regular physical activity lowered their risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction. Remember, when using exercise as a drug, it’s important to vary your routine.

Also optimising your diet based on your body’s unique nutritional type will help your libido. We each have a unique nutritional type with varying demands for the ratios of macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) to function optimally. When you are eating the foods your body was designed to eat, you will notice improvements in every aspect of your health. Some people do better eating mainly proteins, some do better eating mainly carbohydrates and some do better eating a combination of proteins and carbohydrate. You will need to do tests to find out which metabolic type you are.

Take supplements
Consider using choline and vitamin B5 supplements. The neurotransmitter that triggers the sexual message, in both men and women, is acetylcholine. With too little ACH, sexual activity goes down. One way to safely and effectively enhance ACH levels in your body is to take choline supplements (1,000-3,000 mg) and vitamin B5 (500-1,500 mg).
According to a study on the impact of sex on stress, as measured by blood pressure levels in stressful situations, sexual intercourse may be one of the best ways to calm your nerves.
Researchers asked nearly 50 men and women to maintain diaries for two weeks regarding how often they experienced full blown intercourse, masturbation, or sexual activity that excluded intercourse.

Afterward, patients were given tests measuring their stress levels involving public speaking and solving math problem aloud.
Those who had intercourse enjoyed the most relief, as their blood pressure levels normalised faster than the other groups. And, the beneficial effect lasted for at least a week. People who had abstained from any kind of sex, however, had the highest blood pressure response to stress.

It seems clear that healthy sexual relationships can be a powerful way to get rid of the jitters before that big business meeting. One possible reason for the effect could be the “pair bonding” hormone oxytocin. Sexual desires, as well as orgasm, are controlled by various influences on the brain and nervous system. Researchers have revealed many similarities between men and women; contrary to popular belief, for example, visual stimuli spur sexual stirrings in both. Brain imaging studies show that achieving orgasm involves far more than merely heightened arousal. It requires a release of inhibitors, culminating in a shutdown of the brain’s centre of vigilance in both sexes, and a widespread neutral power failure in women.

Lose weight
Being fat can have a negative effect on your sexual desire and satisfaction. New research shows that if you are fat and can lose about 13 per cent of your body weight over two years you can feel more sexually attractive and have greater sexual desire. So you don’t need drugs to have a better sex life. Losing a bit of weight may just do the trick.

To really lose weight, it is helpful to treat exercise like a drug. When trying to lose weight gradually increase the amount you are exercising to 60 to 90 minute a day. Initially, the frequency is daily. This is a treatment dose until you normalise your weight or insulin levels. Once it has normalised, you will only need to exercise three to four times a week and include more anaerobic, speed work and strength training, as these are major keys to staying healthy. You should exercise hard enough so that it is difficult to talk to someone next to you. When you are exercising that hard, your cardiovascular system is under such a significant amount of stress that the mere act of talking, makes you unable to provide your body with enough oxygen. However, if you cannot carry on a conversation at all, then you have gone too far and you need to decrease intensity.

And diet is just as important for weight loss. Remember, the foods that may be healthy for you, and vice-versa. Thus, eating according to your specific nutritional type is the proven way to ascertain which foods work best for you. That is some people are healthier eating more protein, some people more healthy eating more carbohydrate and some people need both protein and carbohydrate. If you tend to put on weight easily you are likely a protein type. Also, controlling your insulin levels is important to optimize your health. You see, when you eat grains and sugar your insulin levels increase. When insulin levels increase, you are telling your body to store carbohydrates as fat and not to release any of the stored fat. (This makes it impossible for you to use your own stored body fat for energy.) so the excess carbohydrates in your diet not only make you gain weight, they make sure you keep that weight on. By cutting grains and sugars from your diet, you

will not only tame your weight but also fight illnesses. Sex has also been found to boost self-esteem and improve intimacy in your relationship. This is because sex and orgasms result in increased levels of the hormone oxytocin – the “love” hormone – that helps you feel bonded to your partner. As oxytocin increases, so do hormones known as endorphins, which in turn lessens feelings of pain related to everything from headaches and arthritis to symptoms of PMS. It can also help you to get a better night’s sleep.

It may sound tongue-in-cheek to recommend more sex as an important health tool, it does appear that is the case. If you are fortunate enough to be in a mutually monogamous relationship, frequent sex is an excellent way to improve your health and even prevent future disease. “Frequent” is all relative, of course, and although the above study counted twice a week as frequent, other studies have found that having sex even once a week can benefit your health in many ways.

Detoxification boosts sex, keeps you healthy

How to improve your sexual desire naturally
If you’d like to take advantage of some of the health benefits that regular sexual activity has to offer, yet find that your desire just isn’t what it used to be, there are many natural tips that can help.
Your sexual fires may also be fanned simply by eating less sugar. High levels of sugar in your bloodstream can actually turn off the gene that controls your sex hormones.
Four other tips to give your libido a big-time boost include:
Getting physically active
Studies have shown that men who engaged in regular physical activity lowered their risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction. Remember, when using exercise as a drug, it’s important to vary your routine.
Optimising your diet based on your body’s unique nutritional type
Everybody has a unique nutritional type with varying demands for the ratios of macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) to function optimally. When you’re eating the foods your body was designed to eat, you’ll notice improvements in every aspect of your health. Some people do better eating mainly proteins, some do better eating mainly carbohydrates and some do better eating a combination of proteins and carbohydrate. You will need to do tests to find out which metabolic type you are.
Optimising your vitamin D and insulin levels
These simple measures have profound influences on every area of your health, including your sex life. Consider using choline and vitamin B5 supplements. The neurotransmitter that triggers the sexual message, in both men and women, is acetylcholine.
With too little ACH, sexual activity goes down. One way to safety and effectively enhance ACH levels in your body is to take choline supplements (1,000-3,000 mg) and vitamin B5 (500-1,500 mg).
According to a study on the impact of sex on stress, as measured by blood pressure levels in stressful situations, sexual intercourse may be one of the best ways to calm your nerves.
Researchers asked nearly 50 men and women to maintain diaries for two weeks regarding how often they experienced full blown intercourse, masturbation, or sexual activity that excluded intercourse.
Afterward, patients were given tests measuring their stress levels involving public speaking and solving math problem aloud.
Those who had intercourse enjoyed the most relief, as their blood pressure levels normalised faster than the other groups. And, the beneficial effect lasted for at least a week. People who had abstained from any kind of sex, however, had the highest blood pressure response to stress.
It seems clear that healthy sexual relationships can be a powerful way to get rid of the jitters before that big business meeting. One possible reason for the effect could be the “pair bonding” hormone oxytocin. Sexual desires, as well as orgasm, are controlled by various influences on the brain and nervous system. Researchers have revealed many similarities between men and women; contrary to popular belief, for example, visual stimuli spur sexual stirrings in both.
Also, brain imaging studies show that achieving orgasm involves far more than merely heightened arousal. It requires a release of inhibitions, culminating in a shutdown of the brain’s center of vigilance in both sexes, and a widespread neutral power failure in women.
So being fat can have a negative effect on your sexual desire and satisfaction. New research shows that if you are fat and can lose about 13 percent of your body weight over two years you can feel more sexually attractive and have greater sexual desire. So you don’t need drugs to have a better sex life. Losing a bit of weight may just do the trick.
To really lose weight, it is helpful to treat exercise like a drug. When trying to lose weight gradually increase the amount you are exercising to 60 to 90 minute a day. Initially, the frequency is daily. This is a treatment dose until you normalize your weight or insulin levels. Once normalised, you will only need to exercise three to four times a week and include more anaerobic, speed work and strength training, as these are major keys to staying healthy. You should exercise hard enough so that it is difficult to talk to someone next to you.
When you exercise very hard, your cardiovascular system is under such a significant amount of stress that the mere act of talking, makes you unable to provide your body with enough oxygen. However, if you cannot carry on a conversation at all, then you have gone too far and you need to decrease intensity.
And diet is just as important for weight loss. Remember, the foods that may be healthy for you, and vice-versa. Thus, eating according to your specific nutritional type is the proven way to ascertain which foods work best for you.
That is some people are healthier eating more protein, some people more healthy eating more carbohydrate and some people need both protein and carbohydrate. If you tend to put on weight easily you are likely a protein type. Also, controlling your insulin levels is important to optimize your health. You see, when you eat grains and sugar your insulin levels increase

Ensure regular ovulation, facilitate conception with detoxification

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother -Lin Yutang
The desire to sustain and nurture human life is one of the most basic instincts of the female species. The ability to do this is made possible through a series of complex processes beginning with ovulation, fertilisation, implantation, established pregnancy and, eventually, labour and delivery.

We know and it is a fact that our experience over the last three years has shown significant improvement on Oocyte yield after detoxification. For example, patients going for sex selection and having no follicle development on two or more IVF attempts now produce up to 20 eggs after 10 days of Mayr detoxification therapy.
Ovulation is one of the major requirements for fertilisation and it is an indication of fertility. It signals the release of an ovum or egg from the ovarian follicle. The ovum or egg cell is the female reproductive haploid cell (gamete). In humans, ova are produced by the female gonads (sexual glands) called ovaries and all of them are present at birth and mature in cycles.

This ovum, once released, will make the journey down the fallopian tube into the uterus where it will be ready for fertilisation by spermatozoa (sperm cells)
Ovulatory disorders are one of the most common reasons why women are unable to conceive, and account for 30 per cent of women’s infertility.
Anovulation describes a condition in which a woman’s ovaries do not properly develop and mature eggs to be released monthly. This can be due to the following causes, among others:

• Premature ovarian failure, a situation which occurs when the woman’s ovaries stop working before she is 40.
• PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) that is, the woman’s ovaries function abnormally. She also has abnormally high levels of androgens (male hormones)
• Hyperprolactinaemia – that is high prolactin levels. Such women may experience milky nipple discharge.
• Poor egg quality, meaning the eggs are damaged or develop genetic abnormalities that cannot sustain a pregnancy. Older women are at risk.
• Overactive/underactive thyroid gland
• Chronic medical conditions, such as AIDS or cancer and other such conditions
• After-effect of chemotherapy in cancer patients.

It is also a well known and established fact that failed ovulation occurs as a result of various behavioural, hormonal and environmental factors which, when present in affected women, have been proved to consistently impair desired fertility.

Behavioural factors include bad dietary habits leading to either obesity, overweight or underweight; lack of or too much exercise; smoking, leading to accumulation of toxins in the body; alcohol and drug abuse, which not only impair ovulation, but can cause damage to the unborn child and even reduce sperm production and quality in males.
Some examples of theses culpable drugs include steroids (found in some body and hair creams and soaps, among other things), marijuana and cocaine. The passive smokers in case of cigarette and marijuana are also not spared.

Environmental and occupational factors include exposure to toxins and chemicals from the environment. These toxins may be absorbed into the body through the skin, respiratory airways, foods ingested such as fish from contaminated lagoon or sea, repeated X-rays and others factors. Environmental toxins include heavy metals like lead, mercury, ethylene oxide, dibromochloropropane and radiation.

Women working or living in or around chemical industries, women who use certain types of bleaching creams and soaps, as well as women who consume some types of food which have been exposed to these chemicals are particularly at risk.

Another important risk factor is the consumption of fruits and vegetable salads that have not been thoroughly washed; they could transmit some bacteria and fungi into the alimentary canal, causing the intestinal Candida which, in itself, is a source of toxins.

Hormonal factors have also been implicated in impairing ovulation. This is because the process of ovulation itself is a delicate and complex interaction between multiple endocrine glands, involving the timely release of certain hormones in the correct quantities in order for a desired response to be achieved.

This interplay occurs mainly between the hypothalamus, pituitary glands, the thyroid glands, the ovaries and other endocrine glands such as the adrenal glands and the pancreas which play seemingly minor but highly significant roles. For instance, polycystic ovarian syndrome, a condition where the ovary is laced with very small anovulatory follicles arranged like beads on the ovary, has been linked to a problem with carbohydrate metabolism involving insulin from the pancreas.

Behavioural and environmental factors earlier mentioned have been shown to be key players in determining how well this hormonal interplay balances out and results in overall reproductive health.

Improve sperm fertility potential through detoxification

The sperm is the male reproductive cell, manufactured within the male testes that contain the highly specific paternal genetic information to be contributed through the process of fertilisation to the female egg cells.

It is vital for a man’s sperm to be in good shape if pregnancy is desired.
Fertile, healthy sperm are defined not just by the number of sperm (count) but also by sperm concentration by the way they move (motility) and by healthy morphology (their shape and size).

Sperm motility is determined by the percentage of sperm that are moving and their capacity to “swim.” Healthy sperm motility allows sperm to sustain vitality and propel themselves through the uterus, right up to the fallopian tube and ultimately penetrate the surface of the ovum and fertilise the egg.

The production of sperm is continuous and requires approximately 100 days to develop (74 days to form and20-30 to mature). It is most efficient at 32-34° Celsius. So, exposure to excessive heat or prolonged fever can adversely affect sperm count, motility and morphology.

Factors that can affect the sperm
•High temperature
•Very tight underwear and trousers
•Alcohol and smoking
•Drugs:  marijuana , cocaine
•Heavy metals and pollutants
•Infections: Sexually transmitted infection, testicular mumps
•Use of hand-free devices thereby carrying cell phones in pockets or close to the scrotal region
•Placing of laptops on the thighs
•Others: sitting for too long with legs crossed, cycling long distance

Infertility is the inability to conceive despite regular, unprotected sexual intercourse for one year or longer.
Male infertility, which accounts for 20-30 per cent of infertility cases, is due to low sperm production, misshapen or immobile sperm or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm; erectile dysfunction or impotence, genetic factors, illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems and lifestyle.

Not being able to conceive a child can be stressful and frustrating. A lot of causes of infertility are due to toxins in the body that have been accumulated over a long period of time. Some undigested food products can remain in the intestine for up to 200 hours instead of the normal 18 hours and produce toxins that are stored in the body for months or years.
Toxins can also be accumulated from the environment.

Over time, the toxins accumulate in major organs and tissues and begin to have negative effects. By the time a man reaches age 55, he begins to experience the andropause — an ageing phenomenon in males which is similar to the menopause in women and characterised by a decline in the level of testosterone (the male hormone).
This, in turn, can lead to mood swings, depression, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, hot flushes, and urinary problem. If these toxins are not eliminated or neutralised, they may lead to autointoxification (self-produced toxins) and organ damage.
All these symptoms can be reduced by going through a general detoxification treatment and body cleansing. The Modern Mayr Medicine is about the link between digestion, intestinal health and overall health.

According to the founder of the Mayr Diagnostic Method and Mayr Therapy, Dr. Franz Xavier Mayr, “The intestines are to man what the roots are to the plant. Only when the roots are kept in an optimal condition of nourishment and cleanliness can the plant (man) itself thrive and remain healthy”
At Martlife Detox Clinic in Lagos — the first Modern Mayr Medicine Clinic in Africa —detoxification is the core element of all treatment programmes. We offer a variety of medical therapies that will improve sperm fertility potentials, such as:

•Electrolysis foot bath — for the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the liver, gallbladder, kidney and blood
•Hydrotherapy — for removal of toxins via the skin
•Hypoxicator — removes damaged mitochondria and replaces it with healthy ones. The mitochondria is the power house of every cell
•Lymphatic massages — to improve lymphatic drainage
•Colon irrigation
•Sea oxygen
•Body massages — helps increase blood supply to the organs
•Orthomolecular supplements — which would increase sperm motility, count and morphology

In conclusion, it is possible to improve sperm health in as little as three months, if one is keen. All it takes is to focus on avoiding obstacles — whether it be smoking, drinking too much, avoiding the junk in your diet and eating the right foods. Cleaning up the body by way of detoxification is paramount.
 The supplements will certainly assist; but get the groundwork done first. If successful, one will have a blissfully happy (and hopefully pregnant!) lady and the joys of fatherhood to look cherish for a long time to come.

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