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Showing posts with label Short Stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Short Stories. Show all posts

When you discovered your husband and mum were once lovers!

Vanguard Nigeria. Saturday, November 2, 2019
Written by Bunmi Sofola

It's not unheard of that some women, after sampling the delight and wealth of a toy boy, schemed
such lover into the arms of one of their offsprings. 
Some of these daughters know that the men they're now marching down the altar with used to be their mothers' lovers. Some don't. When Mosun got married to her heartthrob almost ten years ago, it was like a dream come true for her.

"Fred, my husband, was then a budding businessman but doing very well. He'd just retired from paid employment and lived in his own house with the three children that his dead wife bore him," explained Mosun. "I met him in a small restaurant that my mum ran and she was the one who actually introduced us. At first, I wasn't really interested in Fred.

I was in my early 20s and had a boyfriend I was in love with. I was doing my Youth Service and had all the time in the world to settle down to marriage. My mother was dead against my boyfriend right from the day I introduced him. He didn't belong to our tribe, she reasoned, and if I got married to him and his relatives started speaking in their dialect, I wouldn't even know if I were being sold down the river. Now my mother preferred me to hitch up with a man 15 years my senior.

"I'd ignored her criticism of my boyfriend up till then, but with Fred on the scene, she mounted a tougher pressure. Fred was very generous and genuinely cared about me. He used his influence to get me a good job after my Youth Service and even got me a second hand car.

When I got pregnant, which was really accidental since I was on the pill, he quickly told my mother before I even decided whether or not to keep it. Mum was over the moon, planning a society wedding that Fred happily paid for. I had to let my boyfriend go though, he was really heartbroken and felt betrayed.

"I had three children within six years of our marriage and decided six kids were enough for both of us. Mum was a wonderful mother-in-law, always stocking my freezers and helping with the children. Even though she didn't live with us, it was as if she did. Some times, she even slept in the guest room. She's long been parted from our father and my two other siblings lived with him. You couldn't call her lonely because the restaurant she ran gave her a sort of social life. Being with my family sort of balanced out her life's existence and we all carried on as one big family.

She met her husband's love-child at her son's school!

By Bunmi Sofola
~Vanguard Nigeria. Sunday, May 27, 2018.

As Maureen's six-year-old son Ben, waved a letter from his school at his mum, she eagerly opened it to find out why her son was so excited. Her son came first in arts and his parents were invited to the end-of-year presentation of prizes. "Your child's first recognition of their academic prowess is supposed to be a happy moment, an unforgettable milestone in their life. But I'll certainly never forget my son, Ben's first," recalled Maureen. "Because it was the day I found out the truth about Segun my husband.

"It started with such excitement. Ben was so happy getting on his smart uniform. He looked really grown-up and I was really proud of him. The school had organised a few photographers parents could patronise and we had a few shots of our happy moment. Ben was all over the place pointing out a few of his classmates and friends when another little girl, the same age as Ben, came running over from the other side of the assembly hall, grabbed hold of Segun's leg in a hug and said; 'Daddy, daddy!' I laughed and started peeling this little girl off my husband.

"Bending slightly, I said to her: 'I'm sorry darling, but I think you've got the wrong daddy!' She looked back at me with confusion in her eyes and said, "No, he's my daddy. But he no longer comes to see me and my mummy.' I looked from her to Segun and back. Why wasn't he putting the little girl straight? And why did he look so guilty? I glanced around to see if I could see the girl's parents anywhere. Instead, I spotted a woman across the hall looking at us with a mixture of concern and anger. I looked back at my husband. 'What's going on?' I asked him angrily."

Suddenly, the penny dropped. This poor girl was Segun's daughter. But how? There was no time for an explanation, the presentations were about to start. At the end of it, the parents were allowed to stay a while with the children in their classrooms. I was in a state of bewilderment. I could see the girl and her mother through the window in the classroom next to us. I could barely take my eyes off them. I didn't hear a word of the teacher's address to Ben's class. I could barely speak when it was time to leave.

Bizzare things some women do for love

~The SUN Nigeria. Sunday, April 29, 2018.

This is the most chilling message I have ever received via email. Someone sent it to me, highlighting how he abused, humiliated and tormented a lady who showed him nothing but love and loyalty.

The message reads: “I met her when she was 24 years old and she fell in love with me. She was gainfully employed. I am four years older than her and I also work.

She never turns down any of my requests, including anal sex even when she can’t stand the pain, neither does she argue with me. She would rather cry or be withdrawn. With that attitude, I saw her as a weak woman who has no mind of her own. Everything I said was right.

She has her own apartment and only visits me when I invite her. She does all my laundry and cleaning, including ironing my clothes on weekends. I am mostly nice when I want her to do my chores or have sex with her, after then, I treat her like garbage.

To her, I was her man, but to me, she was just one of those girls I keep around to help tidy my house and quench my sexual urge for free.

She never asks me for money in whatever guise, though I try to buy her gifts sometimes. Even when I give her money for grocery, I know she spends more of her money in the market and she makes all kinds of soups for me. She is such a fantastic cook and that was the reason I kept her around.

The son who helped his dad make a baby!

By Urowayino Warami   
~vanguard Nigeria. Sunday, April 2, 2017

TUNDE had been separated from his wife for years. She lives abroad and they are good friends. After years of enjoying the single life, he eventually fell in love and things started going horribly wrong. His story:

"I am a medical doctor with a thriving private practice. Six years ago, I finally plucked up enough courage to ask Maureen out to lunch. She was a junior manager at the bank the hospital used and was always very friendly. Whenever interest rates on fixed deposits went up, she would advise me to push for the highest possible on our account. A professional to the core, I was very impressed with how brilliant and intelligent she was. Not to mention her smashing figure.

"She'd just helped push a soft loan I desperately needed to refurbish the hospital when I asked her to lunch as a 'thank you' gesture. To my pleasant surprise, she agreed and that was how our relationship started. I was in my fifties with two lovely children. Their mother had opted to stay behind when I wanted to relocate to the country – our marriage wasn't working and she had a job she loved with the social service. So, we parted amicably and I so much enjoyed my freedom, I wasn't really keen on getting married again- until I met Maureen.

She was a single mother of a two-year-old daughter and as I got to know her better, she told me she was thinking of leaving the bank to pursue a business in horticulture. She'd completed a horticultural course when she studied abroad and had done a bit on the side for a few clients who'd praised her efforts. I encouraged her to follow her dreams and gave her financial support to kick-start the business – she already had half of the outlay from her retirement benefits.

"Barely a year later, the business had taken off beyond our wildest dreams – thanks to elaborate decorations that are the in-thing at functions these days – weddings especially. With my clout, I was able to get her jobs from reputable companies and friends.

"It was around this time we gave a serious thought to getting married. One thing we both wanted very much was a baby of our own. For the next three years, we tried but nothing happened. In the end, I took her to a gynaecologist who was also a very good friend. He did tests upon tests until it was discovered that only one of her fallopian tubes was functioning. That, coupled with my age, had reduced our chances of having a baby. My friend then suggested we travel to Britain, giving us the address of a top IVF hospital. At first, I was reluctant, but Maureen was in her early 30s and feared her biological clock was ticking fast. And I loved her. So I agreed to go with her.

King Adangba's many wives

A LONG, very long time ago, there lived a king called Adangba. He was very rich, very powerful and feared. He was a warrior who won all the wars he fought. He had many slaves and a big compound where his blacksmiths worked day and night to fashion out new weapons and repair old ones. He had many vassal towns that paid him taxes regularly. In spite of his wealth and power, Adangba was a kind and considerate man. He treated his people with fairness and was generous to his chiefs. Ordinarily, he should be a happy man but he was not for he had no son to inherit his throne.

Adamgba had a palace full of beautiful women, wives in dozens who gave him even more beautiful daughters. But was the use of beautiful daughters to a king who needed an heir? But he kept on trying because some bad people were saying some bad things about him. Some said he was not really a man otherwise he would have had a son. There were almost loud rumours that Adamgba had made a pact with the gods that he would not have sons as long as the gods gave him victory in every battle. Most of these stories got back to the king and kept him up at night. He would pace up and down his chambers for hours in pain and confusion. He offered sacrifices in all the shrines to all the gods but each time a queen fell into labour, she brought forth yet another girl.

Until one year, one evening, after the new yam festival, one of the neighbouring kings brought his daughter as a gift for the king. The king was reluctant for more than a reason. He had tried and tried and failed and failed. What was the guarantee that Ena, this new wife was going to give him a son, and not more daughters? He was already a minority in a palace full of females! And then this new wife not even beautiful. In fact, she was ugly.

The other wives sneered and sniggered. What was Ena going to do that they had not done? They even told her to her face that the best she would ever achieve was to produce the ugliest princess in the palace because since she was ugly, all her seeds would be ugly. But to the shock and dismay of all, including Ena herself, nine months after she paid King Adamgba her first night in the royal chambers, she gave birth to a set of twin boys, two beautiful boys.
It was a new day in the kingdom and royal household. The king was beside himself with joy. 

Twenty years on: Three love stories from Rwanda

...culled from Haaretz - Rwanda

In April 1994, the Rwandan genocide left an estimated 800,000 dead, most of them ethnic Tutsis. Haaretz hears the remarkable stories of three couples who have reconciled themselves with past horrors and found love and some form of redemption.

A memorial to the Rwandan genocide

Twenty years ago, in the small, landlocked, east-central African country of Rwanda, members of the Hutu ethnic group turned on their neighbors, friends and family of the ethnic Tutsi group and began slaughtering them. Starting in early April of 1994, and during the course of the next 100 rainy days, an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and their moderate Hutu sympathizers were murdered.
But these are not stories recounting that genocide. These are love stories – tales of men and women, like men and women the world over, who find someone with whom to share a first kiss. These are couples with dreams and disappointments, good moments and bad.
That said, these couples, forced to live out their relationships in a time of unimaginable horror, do end up telling a story about the genocide after all. It's a story we don't often hear – one of resilience and redemption. One about picking up the pieces, forgetting, if only a little, and forgiving themselves and each other, as much as might be possible, and moving on.  
Agutsine Nkurikiyinka was a broken man when he was released from jail. His wife had died of malaria. His two daughters, after a decade apart from their father, barely knew him. He had lost his job and home, and been reduced, so he felt, to nothing less than a perpetrator of genocide.
As many as two million people, practically all from the Hutu ethnic group, are believed to have participated in one way or another in the genocide that occurred in Rwanda in the rainy spring season of 1994, leaving 800,000 of their neighbors, friends and family – the vast majority of them Tutsi – dead.
Just before the genocide began, Agutsine – a mild-mannered son of Hutu farmers in Kimironko – had found a new job he was excited about: Working for the agriculture ministry, as a guard on a forest conservation project. On April 7, 1994, the day after President Juvénal Habyarimana’s airplane was shot down on its descent into the capital, Kigali, he set out to erect a roadblock.

A woman on the run
A thin woman with cropped hair, Christine Bamurange grew up working in her parents’ beer and soft drinks kiosk. The last of eight children, she was the one pulled from school when her parents’ business started doing badly, so she never learned how to read or write. She was married off young – to her neighbor Sylvester, a fellow Tutsi, who, after producing three children with her, left for the Ugandan border to fight with the Rwandan Patriotic Front.

Bus sex: Night travel's fringe benefit

Written by Ademola Olonilua - Nigeria

Night travel may be fraught with a lot of dangers in Nigeria where highways are not in the best condition and robbers use the state of the roads as an opportunity to ambush interstate commercial vehicles.
But in spite of these inherent dangers, there seems to be no reduction in the number of people who choose to go on journeys in the night.

Investigation showed that the attraction of some of the passengers to the night travel was more bizarre as much as it was almost unbelievable.

At some parks investigated, passengers preferred night travels for different reasons.

At Jibowu, an area of Lagos where luxury buses load passengers to the Eastern part of the country, Chidioke Ekezie, a motorboy attached to a bus of one of the popular transport operators in Lagos, gave an insight into life on night buses, which he explained could be very vibrant and "interesting" as a result of the duration of the journeys.
"There has never been a time that those taking night journey reduced. The thing is that a lot of people just like travelling at that time simply because it is traffic-free," Ekezie said.
Asked to elaborate on the "interesting" part of the journey, which he had earlier mentioned, the motorboy said, "A lot of people make new friends and many young people who board the buses as strangers become couples during the journey."

When asked whether there is any sexual activity during these journeys, Ekezie smiled mischievously and said, "It is a known fact that it happens. Some people are just quite stupid. Most couples wait till we get to our designated bus stops to have sex.
"For instance, on a journey from Onitsha to Lagos, the bus sometimes leaves at about 10pm and later stops at Benin so that the passengers can stretch their legs, buy refreshments and ease themselves. This takes a long time.
"I have seen a lot of passengers get down and go around a corner to have sex. It happens. I have also seen some passengers have sex in the bus while others are off the bus. When this happens, it is a problem for the man and woman involved. We don't condone such acts in the bus.
"We could decide to drop the involved passengers there and leave because it is very silly for people to have sex in the bus."
A 23-year-old student, who preferred to give just his first name, Chukwueloka, was booked on one of the luxury buses to his home state of Imo, when our correspondent visited the park.
He said he always took night buses anytime he went home.
"Night buses are interesting. A lot of things happen there," he declared, when our correspondent had a chat with him on why he favoured night travel that much.
A lot of things like what?
He went into a narration.
"There was a time I went to Yenagoa (Bayelsa State capital) in 2005. I boarded the bus at Mazamaza and got a seat beside a fair lady who was also going to Bayelsa. The journey was at least seven hours and we took off around 6pm.
"I had been chatting with the lady since we left Lagos. About four hours into the journey, she yawned and said she was sleepy. She rested her head on my shoulder and there was no way she could be comfortable if my arm did not go around her shoulders.
"My arm brushed her breast mistakenly and she did nothing. It turned out that by her body language as the journey went on, she wanted something. I had heard about such things happening on buses but I did not immediately understand her intention.
"She later made it clear when her hand went to my zippers."
Chukwueloka laughed as he narrated this unusual escapade. He said he would never forget it for the rest of his life.
"I just wanted to experience it. She sat on my lap and other passengers were asleep in the bus. It was also dark," he said.

His other woman killed him

Written by Kemi Ashefon - Nigeria

Joyce was transfixed. She never believed this could happen. "Madam, I am sorry, he didn't make it, your husband is dead," the doctor said. "Of course Nnamdi cannot be dead. He can't die!! He should not die!" she screamed and fainted.

By the time she came to, she remembered her last moments with the man she married 35 years ago.
"Nnamdi, I have told you that girl is evil. Leave her alone and come back home. The kids need you, so do I," she told him two months ago when he visited her. Nnamdi had moved in with his mistress and had left her alone in their mansion.
"Joyce, I have to stay with her now that our baby has been born. I cannot leave her all alone at home," he said as he closed the door of the chauffer-driven vehicle.
Anytime her husband visited, the voice of her pastor echoed: "Sister Joyce, something tells me your husband is in danger and this could lead to his death. Make sure he sees me whenever he returns from his trip."

Joyce never told anyone that her husband had moved out of the house to live with his mistress. She could never have told anyone that they both agreed that he should get a woman to give birth to a male child! They had six girls, who were all married with children. Ironically, all their grandchildren are boys.
"Nne, you know I love you and will do anything to make you happy," Nnamdi told her exactly a year ago. "Last night, my uncle called from the village and insisted that as a titled chief, I must have an heir. He even said I could be deprived of my title if by the time I turn 70, I still don't have a son." Initially, she was confused. She knew how her husband cherished his traditional title and how much he spent to earn it.

...the story of a young boy whose parents were murdered during 2002 riots in Kaduna.

By : The Nigeria Voice

This is the story of a young boy whose parents were murdered during 2002 riots in Kaduna.

He was aged 11 yrs at the time this sad incident took place. His parents, Mr Austine and Mrs Josephine Moses, were missionaries until they met their untimely death, what a sad end. The boy left his house to play football but returned home to see that all his parents had laboured for had been razed down and he would never see his mother and father again.

I Took Off My UNDERWEAR...

Written by a COLLEGE GIRL before she gave up the ghost...

I used to be that innocent girl who had the world at her feet. I was beautiful and I had eyes and HIPS that could make men sway, and to top it all up, I was a Christian, a very good Christian with a heart burning for God. When I entered the university, I met a guy, his name was DERRICK. 

I couldn’t believe my luck the first time I bumped into him on my way to class, he had such a kind smile and a tender look that weakened my knees when he spoke. Because I was late for class we couldn’t talk much but barely three weeks later, I met him at the fresher’s night party and I was overwhelmed. We got talking and I found out that he was in his second year and from that night, we became an inseparable pair.

At first, we were friends and as months passed by, we got closer and closer and the chemistry between us was undeniable. About a year after I entered the university, Derrick and I started dating. He was everything a girl could ever want and desire save the fact that he wasn’t so much of a Christian. Derrick had magical hands that made him hard to resist and most times I fell for it. At first, I felt bad but when I couldn’t help falling into the same pit I killed the guilt on my inside. And then one day, one of my friends said I was getting fatter and that got me thinking and in the process I began to link the dots…first I had a vomiting spree every morning which I thought was due to a flu and then I had this morning sickness which I felt was due to
stress and then my missing period…oh no it can’t be possible I said to myself, I couldn’t be pregnant!!!

My step-son is the father of my twins!

By AskWilfred ~

My name is Olajumoke , I’m 35 years old and I’ve been married for the past 17 years. For 17 years I’ve been praying for the fruit of the womb. I and my husband have been to different hospitals for medical check up, but all to No avail. The Doctors said we are both fertile (meaning we can Both make babies). I married my husband at age 18 while I was still a virgin. My husband(Joshua) has always been there for  me in everything, understanding and supportive in our trying times. About 2 years ago, my childhood friend advised me on what to do…following her advice I remembered “Bayo” my 22 years old house help. Bayo has been with us since he was 8 years old, we treated him as if he was ours. I started talking to him about his personal life. 

Unholy love

By Segun Durowaiye - Nigeria

Two young people, Labake and Ogidan were fond of each other. Without mincing words they were lovers. In the African tradition, particularly the Yoruba culture, such a relationship is wrong and abominable because they were stepsister and stepbrother respectively. The two lovers were unmindful of what neighbours might say as they were deep in their amorous affair. They were ready to even dare the gods in this ungodly relationship. Cupid's arrow had struck the hearts of the duo. They didn't mind the fact that tongues had started wagging in the neighbourhood regarding their relationship. Labake was in her early 20s while Ogidan was in his mid 20s. Ogidan's dad, Mr. Okikiola got married to Labake's mum after his former wife left him unceremoniously. Mr. Okikiola already had six children from his former wife. The Okikiolas lived in a one-room apartment in Agege, on the outskirts of Lagos. Labake was a factory worker while Ogidan was a technician. Truly, Labake was beautiful, with a charming and enchanting frame. And she was loose, so loose it seemed the word was

Hubby disappears after wedding night.

Beyond Pardon with Florence Amagiya.

It is a fact that women are like flowers that withers at night time. A man on the other hand can be liken to wine, he gets better by the season and best when it is old. No wonder, the wine is best served when it is old.
My case can be liken to the flowers because l am a woman and l have an expiry date. I have been married for twenty years and in those twenty years; I slept with my husband only once. Unfortunately, l didn’t take-in and I wish l had because I would have been consoled. Yes I would have been a happy person because the story won’t be told this way.

"I Love You Darling"

"I Love You Darling"

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage.
They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eyes.
When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open.
He was late for work so he asked the wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard.
The mother, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot the matter.


Sent by Benjamin Kenechukwu, Mogor - Nigeria
With a positive attitude, great things can be done.
Recently I overheard a Father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport.
They had announced the departure.
Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the Father said, 'I love you, and I wish you enough.'
The daughter replied, 'Dad, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed.
I wish you enough, too, Dad.'
They kissed and the daughter left.
The Father walked over to the window where I was seated.
Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry.

She is my maid, she has taken over my home!

By Nkarenyi Ukonu - Nigeria

Kike was only a primary school certificate holder when she was brought from a village in Ondo State as a maid to the Onabanjo family. Segun Onabanjo, a permanent secretary in the state's ministry of lands, was married to Bimpe Onabanjo, a trained architect and they have two lovely twin children who were in the secondary school - Tolu, a girl and Tunde, a boy
So, getting an extra help was inevitable. The parents had very tight and busy schedules and couldn't cope with the volume of work that was required to keep the home running. They each had a driver to themselves, in addition to another driver specifically to take the children around. There was a cook, and a gardener who also served as the utility man. Now, with Kike around, life became much easier for them.
Kike was immediately put in a high school and even though she was older than most people in her class, she adapted and learned very fast - her intelligence quotient was quite high. She did well in school and worked so well that Bimpe felt at ease to go abroad for a two-year PhD programme. She didn't think twice about it.
Barely three months of being away, Segun began to take an unusual interest in Kike. He wondered why he hadn't noticed that Kike had blossomed right under his roof. He suddenly noticed that she was extremely hardworking, super intelligent and very humane. He made several sexual advances to her, all of which she rebuffed and which ironically further endeared her to him.
He intensified his efforts, promising her heaven and earth but she refused to cave in to his demands. Unfortunately, the pressure became so much that she had to accede to his request. She soon got pregnant and encouraged by Segun, she kept the pregnancy and eventually had to stop school when her stomach couldn't be hidden any longer. She bore Segun a boy and shortly before his wife came back home from her study leave, Kike was already pregnant with another child!
It was of course with shock that she was confronted with the sight that greeted her. Bimpe couldn't believe that her husband of many years could stoop so low as to humiliate her the way he did. When he finally calmed her down, he left her speechless with his words. He apologised and admitted responsibility for his actions but had no regrets over it.
He added that he had no plans to kick neither of the women out. In fact he was ready to take Kike as a second wife. Bimpe is still reeling in shock and has asked for a divorce. Should Bimpe remain in her matrimonial home or go ahead with the divorce?

Help! We quarrel always!!

EUGENIA still can't explain why she will always quarrel with Jack, her boyfriend of three years. "We are always at each other's throats and he has this caustic tongue," she says. "I will not deny the fact that I am not a patient person either. Why should I be patient with him anyway? He is not my husband and I don't even think that I can marry him. Last month, we went for a friend's wedding and I was busy helping with food and drinks. By the time I took a plate of food to Jack, where he sat, he was so furious. He said I was not bothered about him and could not take care of him at a party. Before I could apologise, he started abusing me in front of other guests. Though I tried to control myself, I never bothered going back to where he sat and I went home straight without telling him. My fear is this quarrel. If two persons are in love, I am sure they will not quarrel."
By the time Mike returned from his trip to Makurdi, he knew he was facing another round of quarrel from Kike, his fiancée . "I forgot to buy the Kilichi (dried meat) she sent me. I was so busy that I forgot about it as I headed for Lagos," he says. "Kike came to pick me at the airport and guess her first question? 'Where is my Kilichi?' It was at that point that I remembered and I apologised. You would not believe all that she said - I never cared for her, I didn't buy things for her and I was selfish. I kept quiet in the car and by the time we got home, she was more aggressive.

Burnt Biscuit!

Sent by Hiyab Tsegay - Eritrea

When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.
On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that biscuit and eat every bite!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said: "Honey, I love burned biscuits."
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides - a little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"

Below the Belt.

By Yetunde Arebi - Nigeria

It is said that what you don’t know can’t hurt you. So, most women love to turn a blind eye to the activities of their men, even when the obvious signs that they are playing around are glaring.

Many are even of the opinion that as long as these other women know the territorial boundaries, there can be no problem. Sadly, many men are also being forced by prevailing global economic and social situations to follow these paths.

But is love or relationship worth preserving when partners are forced to look the other way just to maintain the status quo and not rock the boat, while the other goes about enjoying the license offered by his/her sex and libido, while endangering the lives of their partners and family members?
Is it not enough emotional and psychological trauma to discover that a spouse is dating someone else? Naturally, one feels hurt, spited, betrayed and cheated. Oftentimes, insecurity and helplessness creeps in, and one begins to wonder for how long one has been deceived to believe in a deceitful partner.
To make matters worse is the manner with which these discoveries are made. Some are so callous such that the chain of trust is broken and may never be repaired, the relationship ending abruptly.
For those who decide to remain in the murky waters, the seeds of doubt, already sowed, can only lead to a life of suspicion and webs of lies.

Nkechi and Bosun:
Nkcchi (26) a graduate is now serving NYSC in Enugu. Her boyfriend, Bosun (32) an Officer in the Nigerian Army, an indigene of Ondo state also resides in Enugu. They have been dating for over two years now.
On a visit to Bosun in Enugu last year, Nkechi not only met her rival but got the shock of her life:
It happened last year when I was in my final year at the University. Bosun had been transferred to Enugu about eight months then. I would always visit him and spend some time.
We had been going serious and my parents already knew him. He had also taken me to Ondo to see his parents and we had plans to get married after the service year, despite our ethnic differences. In fact, he had helped influence my posting to Enugu.

'My father made me marry a man I don't love'

Nkarenyi Ukonu - Nigeria

Olachi was the apple of her father's eye. Being the first and only girl amongst four boys, her father, Sir Louis Ukaegbu, never hid this fact-Anything or person who touched Olachi indirectly touched him. He gave her everything she wanted- she attended the best of schools and he spoilt her rotten.
The only thing that brought a semblance of balance to Olachi's life was her mother, Lady Cecilia Ukaegbu. This, her mother did with quite a bit of caution for she dared not incur the wrath of her husband in trying to inculcate discipline in her only daughter. Olachi equally loved her father and did everything possible to always please him-she must not fall short of her father's expectations.
But despite all the affluence she was exposed to, she grew up to be a beautiful, loving and respectful person. She was humane, always thinking about the welfare of her fellow human beings.
She had hoped to work for a few years after graduation from the university before finally settling down but her boyfriend of four years, Uche quickly proposed marriage to her on the last day of their youth service year. She had no doubt in her mind that Uche was the one but she didn't expect marriage to him to be so soon. She, however, gave in and made the necessary introductions to her parents. While her mother was over the moon, her father's elation ended the moment Uche stepped out of the door. He told her point blank that she couldn't marry him.
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