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Catching up on sleep at weekends bad for health

Written by Sade Oguntola
~The Nigeria Tribune. Thursday, July 6, 2017.

Waking up early on workdays – only to sleep on your days off – is a common practice. While it can seem intuitive to rest, experts in this report by SADE OGUNTOLA, say oversleeping on days off may be inimical to health.

In many big cities, many people wake up early, say, 4 am, to get to work by 8am, but on the weekends, they will want to sleep in. But the cost of delaying sleep till Saturday and Sunday is much greater than many people may think.

Lack of sleep-especially on a regular basis-is associated with long-term health consequences, including chronic medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, and these conditions may lead to a shortened life expectancy.
In a new study, researchers said that sleeping in on weekends to catch up with sleep deficit, what is now termed social jet lag, is connected with poor health, bad mood, and increased sleepiness and fatigue.

It doesn't boost energy levels. In fact, they said that it has the opposite effect. It disrupts the body's internal clock so much that just a few extra hours makes a person feel even more tired than normal on Monday morning.

Could weekend lie-in kill?
The preliminary analysis of the study reported at SLEEP 2017, the joint annual meeting of the American Society of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society that each hour of social jet lag is also related to an 11 per cent increase in the likelihood of heart disease.
These effects are independent of the duration of the sleep and insomnia symptoms, which are associated with both social jet lag and health.

Sleeping in on weekends, a common habit
Sleeping in on weekends is a luxury that seemingly many people assume would translate to a net positive for health, rather than a negative.

Cucumber wonders is beyond improving men’s libido

~Vanguard Nigeria. Tuesday, July 4, 2017.

I REMEMBER that about eight to ten years ago in the office, cucumber and groundnut snack was the favourite of many men. I often wondered why almost all the men in the Newsroom took to that menu. On asking, I was told that it had been discovered that the combo worked magic for men’s libido. As usual for Nigerians, it was embraced but after a few months, it faded out. Only a few still follow the menu.

Today, research has moved cucumber beyond men’s libido to many other health benefits. You are probably familiar with the phrase "cool as a cucumber", which speaks directly to the soothing and cooling nature that cucumbers have when eaten. Cucumbers are extremely beneficial for overall health, especially during the dry season since they are mostly made up of water and important nutrients that are essential for the human body.

According to research, the flesh of cucumbers is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and folic acid while the hard skin of cucumbers is rich in fiber and a range of minerals including magnesium, molybdenum, and potassium. Additionally, cucumber contains silica, a trace mineral that contributes greatly to strengthening our connective tissues. Cucumbers are known to heal many skin problems, under eye swelling and sunburn. Cucumbers also contain ascorbic and caffeic acids which prevent water loss, therefore cucumber is frequently applied topically to burns and dermatitis.

Cucumbers originated in India almost 10,000 years ago, but are now cultivated in many different countries and continents and it is found in abundance all year long. Cucumber benefits range from preventing acidity to keeping skin well toned. Cucumber has high alkaline levels, thus regulating the body's blood pH and neutralizing acidity.

Patients with gastric issues should consume cucumbers frequently. It regulates blood pressure and contributes to the proper structure of connective tissues in our body, including those in the muscles, bones, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons.

During the summer, cucumbers help to normalize body temperature. Cucumber juice is diuretic, so it is able to prevent kidney stones. Cucumbers also counter the effects of uric acid, which prevents inflammations and conditions like arthritis, asthma, and gout. You will be quite surprised to know that this squash also promotes healthy hair growth and can treat skin ailments like psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

8 Things We All Need To Know About Our Blood Type!

Here’s what you need to know – a chemical reaction happens in our bodies (during the entire day) and the blood type can be crucial when it comes to digestion or weight loss. You can take this for example – it’s highly recommended that people with blood type O consume foods high in protein, such as: meat and fish! People with blood type A does not require meal consumption at all, because vegetables are more suitable for them. And, people with blood type B should avoid chicken and consume more red meat! And finally, people with blood type AB will benefit from sea foods and lean meat.

Here’s what you need to know – well, mostly because of the different formation of antigens on the surface of red blood cells, every blood type is different. Moreover, this is why every blood group is resistant to one type of disease, while being susceptive to some other type. So, knowing the characteristics of blood types can aid in prevention of specific diseases.

Can I ask you a simple question – did you know that your blood type can affect your personality? Well, of course and you can take this for example – people with blood type O are considered as extraverts, creative, social, and confident. While, people with blood type A are peaceful, artistically-minded, and trustworthy. People who are dedicated to their goals, strong, and are independent are usually people with blood type B. And finally, people with blood type AB are reliable, shy, responsible, and like to take care of others. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

The medical experts also say that women with a specific blood type group have bigger chances of getting pregnant than other types. Moreover, women with AB blood type produce less follicle stimulating hormone which helps women to conceive more easily.

Enhance libido, curb arthritis with bitter kola

Benefits, side effects of bitter kola
-  Enhance libido, curb arthritis with bitter kola

Benefits, side effects of bitter kola
~Punch Nigeria. Monday, June 12, 2017.

Garcinia kola or in simple terms, bitter kola originated from West and Central Africa. Signifying the importance of this second largest continent, it produces many healing wonders for us.

Garcinia kola belongs to the species of a tropical flowering plant. It produces brown, nut like seeds, similar looking to kidney beans.

Medicinal benefits

Lungs, the internal organ carry one of the most critical functions of the body. It helps us to breath.

The considerate amount of regular consumption of the seed helps in strengthening the fibers and the lung tissue, stabilising any counter effects.

It further assists in maintaining a good respiratory track and treats chest colds. It has a favorably high antioxidant content for a healthy body.

So, if you are a smoker or even a passive smoker, definitely this is the 'cure'.

Treating malaria

Kolaviron is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemical. Kolaviron is a major constituent of garcinia seed which helps in treating malaria.

Signs your relationship has no future

~The SUN Nigeria. Sunday, May 28, 2017.

Relationships are often happy at the beginning, but over time they can become negative without you realizing. All relationships require effort and hard work, and without these things you may notice that you feel unhappy and under-appreciated.

If despite the amazing chemistry between you and your partner share and the regular declarations of love you have made, you are not quite sure of your future together, it may be time to find out where your relationship is heading. If you are not sure your partner is ready to go through life with you, it may be time for a goodbye.

Do you wonder if you are in the right relationship? Are you confused about the direction of your relationship? Here are signs that your relationship may not last.

Your partner can't accept you for who you are
Everyone has positive and negative traits, and a good partner will accept you and all of your flaws. Your partner doesn't have to enjoy watching your favourite show with you, but he/she should accept that you enjoy it and leave you to it without judgment. If your partner doesn't like more important things like the way you dress or your career, it is time for you to leave. Being unable to accept one another for who you are is one of the biggest indicators that the relationship won't work out.

You can't accept your partner for who they are
Accepting each other works both ways. If your partner loves you for who you are then you should be able to offer the same to your partner. Ask yourself this; if there are things your partner does that you hate or cannot come to terms with, why are you with him/her? If you can't stand the person you are dating now, how will you stand him/her when you both eventually get married?

You struggle to handle each other during the hard times
Relationships come with intimacy, happiness and laughter, but they also come with stress, bad moods and hardship. Of course you will love your partner when he/she is happy and relaxed, but do you feel the same way about him/her when he/she is irritated? In a relationship you should support each other during hard times, not push each other away. If you put up with your partner only during good times, it may be time to let him/her go so that he/she can find someone who to be with through the good and the bad times.

It's a huge mistake going to your lover's Matrimonial Home

~Vanguard Nigeria. Sunday, May 28, 2017.

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine whose profession had to do with the 'bench' was forced to bring her' irresponsible' husband to order. According to her, he was a chronic womanizer who'd humiliated her especially with his lack of choice when lusting after sex. "When you're tanked to the eyebrow;" he often bragged, "who cares what a dame looks like?"

His behaviour got a little reckless when he invited his latest girlfriend and her friends to the naming ceremony of the latest arrival to the family. A good 'friend' of the husband pointed out the culprit and her friends to the wife. They stuck out like a sore thumb anyway, since they were seated in the living room far from the prying eyes of guests and relations. To get to the toilet you had to go through the bedroom and my friend stationed one of her sisters in the room. If she caught any of the 'rebels' passing through to get to the toilet, she should let her know.

When that eventually happened, my friend made sure the girl was back on her seat before she raised an alarm that some pieces of jewellery were missing from her room. She looked frantically around until her eyes rested on the girls, seemingly for the first time.

"I don't know you lot", she said innocently, then turning to relations in the room she asked "did any of you come with these guests?" Nobody claimed the "contraband goods" and the husband, bottles of beer in hand, quickly disappeared into the crowd.

My friend's brother then started roughening up the girls, accusing them of stealing money and jewellery when one of them passed through the bedroom. A few slaps here, some caustic words there, the girls were threatened with police action. They were eventually 'released' with the girlfriend's clothes in shreds.

When a few days later, my friend's husband meal wasn't ready, that was the cue for him to retaliate.

He puffed and huffed and threatened and when his wife lost her patience, twak.!

After giving her a beating she would remember for a long time, he left the house in anger. The wife quickly locked up. Afterall, she was the one allocated the house. When the husband came back in the wee hours of the morning and realized he was locked out, he saw red.

He put his angry fist through a window and there was blood all over the place.

My friend quickly went out the back door, got into her car and raced to the nearest police station. She flashed her ID and informed the sleepy officers that someone in her house was destroying government property. The men in uniform quickly came with her and matched the protesting husband to the cell. late in the evening, after she'd given me an emotional account of what she went through, I finally persuaded her to go and bail her husband out since she was the complainant. She insisted I come with her, so I did. You wouldn't believe the rapport that had quickly existed between the husband and his fellow 'prisoners'! Stripped to the waist, bare-footed and looking unkempt, he was sharing cigarettes with other inmates when we came in.

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